Перевод слова 'underestimation' с английского на русский

Перевод слова 'underestimation' одной строкой: недооценка

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Перевод на русский слова underestimation

  • noun
    • недооценка

Английские синонимы слова underestimation

  • noun: underestimate, undervaluation

Английские значения слова underestimation

underestimate: an estimation that is too low; an estimate that is less than the true or actual value

Cost underestimation is defined as the act of assessing the cost of a future venture lower than what actual cost turned out to be once the venture was implemented. Cost underestimation causes cost overrun. The main causes of cost underestimation are optimism bias and strategic misrepresentation.

underestimate - undervalue: assign too low a value to; "Don't underestimate the value of this heirloom-you may sell it at a good price"
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