Перевод слова 'uncanny' с английского на русский

Перевод слова 'uncanny' одной строкой: жуткий, сверхъестественный

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Перевод на русский слова uncanny

  • adjective
    • жуткий
    • сверхъестественный

Английские синонимы слова uncanny

  • adjective: weird, eerie, mysterious, eery, unearthly

Английские значения слова uncanny

eldritch: suggesting the operation of supernatural influences; "an eldritch screech"; "the three weird sisters"; "stumps...had uncanny shapes as of monstrous creatures"- John Galsworthy; "an unearthly light"; "he could hear the unearthly scream of some curlew piercing the din"- Henry Kingsley

preternatural: surpassing the ordinary or normal; "Beyond his preternatural affability there is some acid and some steel" - George Will; "his uncanny sense of direction"

The Uncanny (Ger. Das Unheimliche -- literally, "un-home-ly") is a Freudian concept of an instance where something can be familiar, yet foreign at the same time, resulting in a feeling of it being uncomfortably strange.
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