Перевод слова 'themselves' с английского на русский

Перевод слова 'themselves' одной строкой: себя, себе, сами

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Перевод на русский слова themselves

  • pronoun
    • себя
    • себе
    • сами

Английские значения слова themselves

Themselves are a musical duo made up of rapper Doseone (Adam Drucker) and producer Jel (Jeff Logan). Dax Pierson, or Dax, has also played keyboards, though he is not an official member. To date, they have released three full-length albums and two singles on the anticon. ...

The people previously mentioned, as the object of a verb or following a preposition, where the people are also the subject of the verb; also used for emphasis; The person of unspecified gender previously mentioned, as the object of a verb or following a preposition, where the person is also the ...

reflexive form of them
О проекте
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10 последних добавленных слов
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earth 2011-04-27 7:31
obeisance 2011-04-27 6:07
organ 2011-04-27 5:22
paid 2011-04-27 4:12
altogether 2011-04-27 4:04
comparison 2011-04-27 3:33
cruise 2011-04-27 3:13
cognate 2011-04-26 23:48
awake 2011-04-26 23:14