Перевод слова 'homeopathy' с английского на русский
Перевод слова 'homeopathy' одной строкой: гомеопатия
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Перевод на русский слова homeopathy
Английские синонимы слова homeopathy
- noun: homoeopathy
Английские значения слова homeopathy
a method of treating disease with small amounts of remedies that, in large amounts in healthy people, produce symptoms similar to those being treatedwordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn
Homeopathy (also spelled homoeopathy or homopathy) is a form of alternative medicine, first proposed by German physician Samuel Hahnemann in 1796, that attempts to treat patients with heavily diluted preparations which are claimed to cause effects similar to the symptoms presented. ...
homeopath - a practitioner of homeopathy