Перевод слова 'creative' с английского на русский
Перевод слова 'creative' одной строкой: творческий, созидательный
Прослушать произношение слова creative, озвучка
Перевод на русский слова creative
Английские синонимы слова creative
- adjective: originative, original, constructive, productive
Английские значения слова creative
having the ability or power to create; "a creative imagination"wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn
promoting construction or creation; "creative work"
Creative was released in November 2008 as the third single from Leon Jackson's debut albm Right Now. To promote the track Jackson appeared on the official BBC Children in Need 2008 show performing the song as a "exclusive" as this was the first time Jackson had performed the track. ...
Слова и фразы, использующие или похожие на creative
creative personalityтворческая личность