Перевод слова 'aeroplane' с английского на русский

Перевод слова 'aeroplane' одной строкой: самолет, аэроплан

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Перевод на русский слова aeroplane

  • noun
    • самолет
    • аэроплан

Английские синонимы слова aeroplane

  • noun: airplane, aircraft, ship

Английские значения слова aeroplane

airplane: an aircraft that has a fixed wing and is powered by propellers or jets; "the flight was delayed due to trouble with the airplane"

"Aeroplane" is a song by the Red Hot Chili Peppers from their 1995 album One Hot Minute. It was the third single released from the album and a music video accompanied its release. Although the song was left off the band's Greatest Hits CD, the music video was included on the accompanying DVD.

"Aeroplane", also released as "Airplane", is a song by British singer/songwriter Imogen Heap. It was released as a promo single in 2002 to accompany the re-release of her 1998 debut album iMegaphone in Japan. ...

Слова и фразы, использующие или похожие на aeroplane

  • aeroplane carrier

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